Advocates Across the Country Speak Out Against Medicare Cuts

These pandemic years have been challenging, especially for doctors, who have worked to adapt, treat, and lead us through an international health crisis.

Now our nation’s doctors are facing economic uncertainty compounded by proposed cuts to Medicare payments for physician services.  

If Medicare enacts its proposed reimbursement cuts of 4.2% to physician services, radiologists and other care providers may have to limit the number of Medicare patients accepted, cut back on services, or reduce investment in innovative technologies and equipment – restricting access to necessary imaging procedures.

In response, patient advocates from across the country are voicing their support for doctors and asking policymakers to act to stop these cuts:

“These cuts come on top of years of cumulative cuts — making it harder to provide care. Now, when many patients who avoided regular health screenings due to COVID-19 are returning to getting care, is the wrong time for cuts.”

Frances Marcolli, Kitsap Sun

“Screening helps save lives, but if access is cut and diagnoses are delayed, more Americans will face unnecessary suffering. Medicare must mitigate these cuts for doctors and work with Congress on policies that will ensure stability for physicians.”

John Singer, York Daily Record

Join with other patients to help Right Scan Right Time oppose these cuts by sharing your support for doctors in your local newspaper. Our letter to the editor tool provides a ready-drafted letter that can automatically be submitted to your local paper for publication consideration.

Click here to submit your letter now!

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