Recognizing Innovations in Treatment During Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

About one in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime. This disease is also the second leading cause of cancer death in American men. While these statistics are staggering, today, there is hope for better outcomes- thanks to early imaging screening and innovative treatments.

Focused ultrasound, an early-stage, non-invasive therapeutic technology, has proven to be an innovative treatment changing lives for many prostate cancer patients. By using ultrasonic energy, focused ultrasound can target tissue deep in the body without incisions or radiation.

Learn more about this technology from two of our patient leaders, Dr. Pugach and Thomas, who received focused ultrasound treatment for their prostate cancer:

“I really feel blessed, not just because I had the HIFU treatment and was able to pay for it, but also because I was fortunate enough to catch my cancer early… I just want lawmakers to know that this treatment works and that it can make a big, even life-saving difference in people’s lives.”


“My choice of treatment was based, in large part, on quality of life issues afterward. I chose to avoid invasive surgery because in my 34 years of urology practice, I had seen many men who experienced life-altering side effects including, erectile dysfunction and permanent urinary incontinence. I decided against radiation because of the potential for high recurrence rates. In the end, there was only one clear path forward for me: high intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU).”

-Dr. Robert Pugach

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