Healthcare Organizations, Members of Congress Rally Behind the FIND Act

The FIND Act (H.R.1199/S.1544) continues to generate buzz among Members of Congress and healthcare organizations. Recently, the FIND Act coalition announced some exciting news – 128 organizations, including patient advocacy groups, medical societies, and industry leaders, have expressed their support for this critical legislation.

With such widespread support, it’s no surprise that lawmakers are talking about the FIND Act. The legislation was recently considered in a House Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee hearing on improving seniors’ access to innovative drugs, medical devices, and technology. During the hearing, the bill’s lead sponsor, Rep. Neal Dunn, MD, along with Reps. Annie Kuster, Larry Buschon, MD, and Lori Trahan, emphasized how the legislation will lower health care costs and improve patient access to innovative nuclear imaging procedures.

Want to join the hundreds of groups and dozens of lawmakers supporting this bill? Expressing your support for the FIND Act by sending a quick letter to your representatives today. Your voice matters, and your advocacy is making a difference to advance this important legislation.

CLICK HERE to send a letter to your members of Congress today!

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