Controlling Cancer with Medical Imaging

For more than 80 years, April has been recognized as National Cancer Control Month. From President Roosevelt to President Trump, each President has spoken directly to the American people on the importance of raising awareness about the factors that cause or prevent cancer.

This year alone, an estimated half million Americans will lose their lives to cancer, and three times that many will be diagnosed with a form of cancer. Though prevention is one of the best ways to reduce the number of individuals who die of cancer, it remains one of the most significant challenges. Awareness around cancer prevention is essential to reducing these numbers and saving thousands of lives.

The best way to detect and treat cancer at an earlier stage is with regular screenings from a healthcare professional. Thanks to innovations in medical imaging, we can detect and diagnose diseases at the earliest, most treatable stages and guide physicians and patients in determining the most appropriate and effective care.

Did medical imaging play a key role in your cancer diagnosis or your treatment during remission? Share your story with us in the comments below!

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